Comments on: No TV for a month: What happened when I quit TV? UK travel blog filled with weekend break inspiration Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:56:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monica Tue, 01 Jun 2021 07:17:40 +0000 In reply to Stuart – Check out my art at

Hahah, I know what you mean! My guilty pleasure is extreme weight loss programmes. I love watching them and seeing the transformation!

And I feel the same with watching the news, but I also feel a bit ignorant when I have no idea what’s going on in the news at all.

By: Stuart - Check out my art at Sun, 30 May 2021 02:33:11 +0000 Interesting post Monica. Just searching for this tonight. It’s 3.30am and I have definitely watched too much TV tonight! I too struggle with the ‘idea’ vs ‘the reality’ of giving up TV though. I identified totally with your pre-ramble! Ie Thinking how incredibly productive you will be without it, only to realise that you really don’t have the mental bandwidth at 9pm to play the piano, or go out, or read a book anyway.

I am trying to be more selective, and limit it to positive stuff, and avoid news of the propaganda variety (most of it!). I am finding it easier to give up most news. It genuinely IS miserable, mostly biased, and a little pointless, because you tend to find out by word of mouth anyway if anything particularly significant happens..

But I really DO like watching SAS – Who Dares Wins!!! There is something pleasurable about drinking a cup of tea and having a ginger snap (or three); while a load of people are being ‘beasted ’ in the cold water off the coast of Scotland! Not sure I want to give that up.

By: Clazz - An Orcadian Abroad Fri, 01 Feb 2019 13:04:01 +0000 Haha, I love how honest this post is!! I grew up barely watching TV – my parents actually bought their first TV because I came into the world and they thought they should. But they never encouraged me to watch it, and I spent most of my childhood outdoors (I grew up on a farm!) and watching Disney movies but not TV shows. So I’ve never really got into the routine of watching TV – however there are lots of shows I watch all the time now, and I think Netflix especially has brought a lot of our generation together! I had a discussion the other day about the Fyre Fest documentary with someone I hadn’t spoken to in years. I’ve been re-watching Lost with one of my best friends. It’s definitely social! It’s only anti-social if you put it above everything else.

By: Rebecca Thu, 31 Jan 2019 20:39:51 +0000 Really enjoyed hearing about your challenge, Monica and how honest you were about it! I wonder if it might be easier to do in the summer? I definitely tend to spend more time outside/in the garden during the summer and less tempted to go and snuggle on the sofa with the remote!

By: Alizon Robertson Thu, 31 Jan 2019 19:15:31 +0000 I love watching TV. We don’t have live TV because in our last house the aerial was knacked and we couldn’t be bothered fixing it, so we just got Netflix and Prime and watched on that. The good thing about that was that we could both work until. say nine. and then agree to meet to watch something specific that we planned. My kids are your age now and some have children and some don’t and yes they have the Tv on and I don’t blame them at all!
Now, I’m living in Spain and just doing with Netflix. We might get Spanish Tv as it’s good for learning a language. I do miss iplayer though and yes, I love the housey programmes. Miss them. Looking forward to your next challenge!

By: Theresa McKinney Thu, 31 Jan 2019 15:25:08 +0000 I never could understand why people feel so threatened when one makes a personal decision to make certain changes in their life. Like you said, it’s everything to do with you, and absolutely nothing to do with them.

I love how honest you are with yourself on why this challenge wasn’t for you. It seems that the challenge was worth it though, as you still learned from it! I think the pressure to make an absolute change can be too much, but instead moderation may be a better option. I once tried a 30 day yoga challenge and was done after one week ha! I do much better aiming for 1-2 times a week. Look forward to seeing how your others go!

By: Ali Thu, 31 Jan 2019 14:13:23 +0000 Yeah, you gotta do what works for you! In the evenings, Andy and I will usually watch a handful of episodes of something like Modern Family DVDs (yes, DVDs) or whatever as a way to unwind from the day. Sometimes we try to be productive after dinner with a blog thing or some house chore or something, but we don’t go right up until bedtime. Reading a book can work sometimes instead of TV but sometimes I really need that almost zoning out TV time. I do wonder if your challenge would’ve worked better during a warmer month when you could’ve gone out with friends more often or something, but yeah, no reason to completely ban TV if it’s making you miserable.
